This is a demonstration of content addressing, currently using just files on this site. Put in a url to an svg image already on this site here:
this is loaded direct from the site by URL.
This is looking up with this site's urltohash endpoint, showing that we do have a hash for this url
This is looking up with Internet Archive urltohash endpoint, showing that they have a hash for this url too
This is my translation of the Internet Archive urltohash endpoint, showing it in a common format.
This is a hasharchive lookup of that URL urltohash endpoint, showing the hash is there too.
This is looking up from the hash with the hashtourl endpoint to find a url
This is a proxy that looks up by URL then by hash:
this looks up the same hash at hash archive, showing other locations for the same file:
The goal is to make a proxy that can use the Internet Archive's wayback store as a hash <-> url translator, and to be able to look up hashes in other content repositories.
A client-side app that uses progressive web app techniques to intercept url fetches can then become independent of URL resolution, once it has hashes to resolve.